How I set-up this blog
03 Jan 2014 - Giulio Vian - ~1 Minute
It is amazing how easy is setting up your own environment, nowadays.
I am trying new Technologies now and, knowing Azure, I was curious about Amazon. Well, it is more or less the same amount of work: create an account, choose from the Marketplace a VM configured with a blog engine and, voilà, you’re ready to go. Some will turn up their nose on my choice of Wordpress, but I considered how easy is to create and move the content. Price: free for now, unless the traffic starts to skyrocket, which is …well… extremely improbable. Then the DNS. I bought my domain from easyDNS for about 10 Euro: web management, URL and mail redirection is all I need.
pierfranco : Hi, any downside in using Google/Blogger? Free, dns redirect, adword enabled, social, maintained, import/export, email publishing … Best
Giulio Vian : It’s a way to explore some cloud features and keep full control. One day I may switch the environment.